
“Both abundance and lack [of abundance] exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend." - Sarah Ban Breathnach

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Do the Right Thing!

OK, this is not a political post, or a moral post, or a religious post -- although I obviously have a political, moral, and religious opinion about California's Proposition 8. This is a CFS post!

Today, I walked precincts in support of Prop 8. Now, I can't tell you how concerned I was going into this! I know what happens to me when I overdo it, and this would certainly mean overdoing it! I've been busy all week getting ready for back to school. I've been up late every night with "Olympics Fever" (damn you, Michael Phelps!). I was out late last night with Kyara at a production of Les Miserables (it was a school assignment). It required me to get up early (OK, early for me -- 7:20 am).

But, this is something I strongly believe in. Not because I'm a redneck gay basher, but because I'm an advocate for the family. Study after study shows that children growing up in a traditional two parent family have the best chances for success, and that they make the most contributions to society. Although many families fall short of this ideal -- divorced parents, unmarried parents, widowed parents, and homosexual couples -- I still feel that the government has a stake and obligation in promoting traditional marriage. I honor and applaud every parent in every circumstance who does their best to raise happy, productive, healthy children. But, I'll do what I can to keep traditional marriage the ideal.

And today I walked precincts! We started at 8:30 am, and I walked until 10:00 am. People of all opinions were friendly and polite. It was surprisingly easy to do. Now comes the CFS part -- because of the ease, I found myself thinking I should take on a second route. There was that guilt in the back of my mind that I wasn't doing enough. I was tempted ... and I respected my personal boundaries! I said no to the second route! I compensated by taking home a calling list instead. Now, I'm home, and I feel the fatigue starting to set in. But if I take it easy today, I don't think I'll crash. If I had taken a second route, I would have crashed for sure.

Look at me! I'm doing something I want to do ... something that is important to me ... and I'm fitting it within my physical limitations! I would say this is definitely a milestone, and I'm feeling very proud!